Power of Attorney
There may be a situation when you are busy somewhere else or unable to make your own decisions regarding your property, business interests or personal care. Whether it’s due to illness, injury or age, you may wish to entrust your role to be performed by someone else to make some or all decisions on your behalf.
Powers of Attorney are generally of three types. One is a Continuing Power of Attorney for Property which generally deals with your properties and financial matters covering all the issues unless limited in writing therein. The second one is a non-continuing Power of Attorney for Property, which is not general in nature and is limited for a specific purpose. The third one is a Power of Attorney for Personal Care which is limited to medical and personal care matters of the donor.
Some people may have a confusion about not to get Power of Attorney ( POA) when they have a “WILL”. However both are not only different in nature but also operates at different times. A “WILL” only takes effect after the death of a person, whereas POA takes effect only until you are alive.
You have to chose your Attorney very carefully because he/she is the person responsible to carry out your tasks & instructions honestly & efficiently and as per the terms detailed therein. However we strongly recommend to review the task performed by your Attorney periodically. If you are not satisfied with your Attorney or have a doubt on his/her workings, you should immediately contact your lawyer to revoke the existing Power of Attorney and/or to execute a new Power of Attorney .
For further information or assistance in regards to your Power of Attorney Needs and related matters, you can always contact our office at 905-794-0440.
Disclaimer - The information provided herein is for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended and should not be construed to constitute legal advice. The information contained herein may not be applicable in all situations and may not, after the date of its presentation, even reflect the most current authority. Nothing contained herein should be relied or acted upon without the benefit of legal advice based upon the particular facts and circumstances presented, and nothing herein should be construed otherwise.